Soul of a Community Leader


Editorial Reviews

About the Author

The Honourable D. Neletha Butterfield, M.B.E., J.P. is the founder, owner and former director of a computer school and an alternative learning centre called CARE, which stands for: Children and Adults Reaching for Education. She founded the computer school in November 1983 in the basement of her home. She is a former Senator, Member of Parliament and Government Cabinet Minister. She has been actively involved in Bermuda’s political process for approximately twenty years. In her professional life as a single mother of three, whose own pursuit of education as an adult enabled her to provide her family, she understands the importance of a sound education. She has dedicated her life to educating as many Bermudians as possible, particularly young black males and young men behind the prison walls. She is a computer education consultant, a former Computer Lecturer for the Government Community School, a former lecturer at the Bermuda College in computers, English and mathematics and a former instructor of mathematics, reading, English and African studies with the Bermuda Correctional Facilities education department, in addition to teaching the GED programme that she introduced to the prison system. She has received many awards both locally and internationally for her outstanding work in the community, business, church, as an educator, prisons, politics, leadership and as a motivational speaker She may be reached via email at: Also by the author: Speeches for the Soul: A Collection of Inspirational Messages to Encourage, Enrich and Empower Your Life. Workshops for the Soul: A Collection of Educational Workshops for Motivation, Training and Upliftment Available on Amazon and other booksellers –This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details

  • Publisher : Niyah Press (May 29, 2018)
  • Publication date : May 29, 2018
  • File size : 4247 KB
  • Language: : English
  • Word Wise : Enabled
  • ASIN : B07DF8MGL1
  • Text-to-Speech : Enabled
  • Screen Reader : Supported
  • Print length : 176 pages
  • Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
  • X-Ray : Not Enabled
  • Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
  • Lending : Enabled


Educator, Senator, Parliamentarian, Cabinet Minister – A Historical Journey


Leadership is not about titles; it is not about status. It is about making those around you do better and help them become more. You have to have the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions and the compassion to listen to the needs of the people in your community. Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life and it is my belief that the person who serves and the person who receives assistance both empower themselves through personal growth and development.

As a community leader, educator, senator, politician and cabinet minister, the Hon. D. Neletha Butterfield’s historical journey is captured in this book, The Soul of a Community Leader. She served for more than nine years as a cabinet minister in service to the Bermuda Government from 2002-2011. Her first cabinet appointment in 2002, Minister without Portfolio, was followed by six other cabinet appointments: Minister of the Environment; Minister of Education and Development; Minister of Environment, Telecommunications and E-Commerce; Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation; Minister of Public Information Services; and Minister of Government Estates and Information Services.

From the environment to education, from information technology to culture, from the social needs of the community to public information and from government estates to women’s issues, she has served to educate others with her wisdom, knowledge and understanding. May your soul be blessed as you gain wisdom and knowledge through the reading of her historical journey as a cabinet minister.


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