Political Beginnings for the Soul


Editorial Reviews

About the Author

The Honourable D. Neletha Butterfield, M.B.E., J.P. is the founder of an alternative learning centre called C.A.R.E. (Children and Adults Reaching for Education) which she founded in 1983 in the basement of her home. A former Senator, Member of Parliament and Government Cabinet Minister for Bermuda, Butterfield has been actively involved in Bermuda’s political process for approximately twenty years. As a single mother of three whose own pursuit of education as an adult enabled her to provide for her family, she has dedicated her life to educating as many Bermudians as possible, particularly young black males and young men behind the prison walls. She has received many awards both locally and internationally for her outstanding work in the community, business, church, educational system, prisons, politics, leadership and as a motivational speaker. –This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details

  • Publisher : Niyah Press (May 29, 2018)
  • Publication date : May 29, 2018
  • File size : 3352 KB
  • Word Wise : Enabled
  • ASIN : B07DF6Q7LD
  • Language: : English
  • Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
  • X-Ray : Not Enabled
  • Screen Reader : Supported
  • Text-to-Speech : Enabled
  • Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
  • Print length : 154 pages
  • Lending : Enabled


A Collection of Speeches, Writing, Conferences and Interviews Highlighting My Political Journey

Whatever title or office we may be entitled to have, it is the legacy of our political work that defines who we are and what we achieved during our tenure in politics.

For approximately 20 years the Hon. D. Neletha Butterfield, a mother, an author, an educator, a former senator, former politician and cabinet minister, embarked on her political journey of serving her community in various roles. Her success is to be measured not so much by the position and titles she achieved but through the obstacles which she has overcome.

It has been said that a woman’s place is in the Senate and the House. Political Beginnings for the Soul informs us of her political journey through a collection of highlights from writings, speeches, interviews and international conferences that she attended over two decades serving her country Bermuda in both the political party and the legislature.

This is an informative account on her political beginnings and political career. It will not only inspire others but help us understand each other better. Within our souls, we can overcome the economic and political barriers.


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