17 Trailblazers who Walked With Purpose


Editorial Reviews

About the Author

The Honourable D. Neletha Butterfield, M.B.E., J.P. is the founder, owner and former director of a computer school and an alternative learning centre called CARE, which stands for: Children and Adults Reaching for Education. She founded the computer school in November 1983 in the basement of her home. She is a former Senator, Member of Parliament and Government Cabinet Minister. She has been actively involved in Bermuda’s political process for approximately twenty years. In her professional life as a single mother of three, whose own pursuit of education as an adult enabled her to provide her family, she understands the importance of a sound education. She has dedicated her life to educating as many Bermudians as possible, particularly young black males and young men behind the prison walls. She is a computer education consultant, a former Computer Lecturer for the Government Community School, a former lecturer at the Bermuda College in computers, English and mathematics and a former instructor of mathematics, reading, English and African studies with the Bermuda Correctional Facilities education department, in addition to teaching the GED programme that she introduced to the prison system. She has received many awards both locally and internationally for her outstanding work in the community, business, church, as an educator, prisons, politics, leadership and as a motivational speaker. She may be reached via email at: Nelethas@gmail.com –This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details

  • File size : 2668 KB
  • Publication date : May 27, 2018
  • Print length : 104 pages
  • Word Wise : Enabled
  • Language: : English
  • ASIN : B07DC9P72C
  • Text-to-Speech : Enabled
  • Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
  • Page numbers source ISBN : 1945873078
  • Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
  • X-Ray : Not Enabled
  • Screen Reader : Supported
  • Lending : Enabled


The Bermuda Business and Professional Women’s Club Sojourner Truth Awardees 1967-2002 Kindle Edition

“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity … Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. You have to get up and make them.” – Madam C.J. Walker

Inside this book you will find photos and biographies of Bermudian female trailblazers, pioneers and modern-day women who fulfilled their dreams. It presents a positive image of women who made their marks in life. These women are remarkable in their dedication and commitment to hard work and their willingness to succeed against the odds. They helped to blaze the trail for all Bermudian women to follow.

These biographies will encourage all women to be inspired and never give up on their dreams. This biographical treasure provides a great source of professional encouragement and an invaluable service to education, politics, church, tourism, nursing, hairdressing, beauty, dress-making, business, law and community service.

The Bermuda Business and Professional Women’s Club celebrates the contributions of these women and the founder of the club, the late Mrs. Lilian Minors. Without her vision to start a chapter in Bermuda, we would not have recorded their work and the humble sacrifices they made. Let their biographies and stories touch your SOUL and be a beacon to the women of Bermuda to strive, to work hard, to volunteer your services and to dedicate yourself to serve your island home.

Thank you to the women who paved the way so that the present generation of women will be inspired with admiration, and the future generation of women will reflect on the sacrifices they made to become successful.


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